Looking to SAVE money this winter?

Looking to SAVE money this winter? New homes that are built to Energy Star specifications can help save you money! Try these energy saving tips as well…
- Set your thermostat to 68 degrees or lower.
- Install a programmable thermostat and use it wisely to save on heating costs.
- Check your HVAC air filters monthly and change as needed.
- Use space heaters with caution. They can cost approximately $0.15 per hour to operate on a high setting.
- Reverse the direction on your ceiling fans in the winter (clockwise position) to redirect the warm air from the ceiling level back into the room
- Unplug unnecessary items when not being used. Especially electrical devices that continue to drain electricity even when off.
More energy saving tips can be found here from Sawnee EMC, but buying a new home is smarter and takes away hidden costs of a foreclosure or short sale. Buy a new Peachtree Residential home with confidence and peace of mind! Peachtree Residential stands behind 23 years of building experience and a great reputation building a high quality “greener” built home that is designed for today’s lifestyle. Peachtree’s new homes have updated features, fresh designs and the ability to personalize YOUR home to meet your family’s needs at our Peachtree Design Center. View the Peachtree Residential website for more information.