Great Spring Curb Appeal for Your Home

Home prices are on the rise. Year over year home prices across the nation rose 9.1 percent. Spring is the perfect time to sell your current home. Make sure the outside looks it’s best and it has great curb appeal. Start your new home search and visit the Peachtree Residential website to view all the new home neighborhoods and start designing your dream home!
Curb appeal is important if you want to sell your home quickly and buy a new Peachtree Residential home. In fact, improving your home’s curb appeal is one of the best ways you can help your home stand apart from the competition in your neighborhood or surround area. The North Georgia Group newsletter provided some great tips for your homes curb appeal.
1. Take a photo. The best way to look at your home through the eyes of a potential buyer is to take pictures of it. Take one from directly across the street and others from angles on both sides of the home. Honestly compare your pictures with those of comparable pictures online. Make a list of what could be improved.
2. Pressure wash. Wash the front of the home along with the garage doors, driveway, and sidewalk. You may find that pressure washing eliminates the need for new paint. Or you may find that painting the trim will be all the touch-ups you need. Nothing says, “I care about my property,” more than cleanliness. And pressure washing works wonders. You can rent a pressure washer from a big-box home improvement store.
3. Wash the windows. Sparkling clean windows invite visitors to look inside your house and they offer those already inside the home a view of your beautiful landscaping.
4. Make the front door shine. Give it a fresh coat of paint to make it look truly inviting. In addition, polish or replace all metal pieces, such as a door knocker or kick plate. New house numbers are another easy way to make your porch look polished. Think about adding blooming flowers for spring and summer, and a wreath on the front door to add a welcoming look. Finally, if the front porch lighting looks dated, upgrade to a new fixture.
5. Clean your gutters. Gutters that are overflowing with leaves and debris not only look dirty, but they also pose a problem for drainage. And drainage problems can hurt trim and windowsills, as well as harm a home’s foundation.
6. Trim branches. Many homeowners become accustomed to overgrown shrubs and ornamental trees. But overgrown vegetation effectively hides your home from view. It never hurts to remove too-big plants and replace them with trendy bedding options.
7. Plant some annuals. Impatiens, petunias, begonias, and vinca thrive in summertime. Add these plants to flower beds, pots and hanging baskets. Blooming foliage is a welcoming natural addition to any entryway.
8. Add mulch. Even if your flower beds have mulch, add more and don’t be stingy. New, thick mulch makes a so-so planted area look like a professionally maintained one. For an even more clean look, add some edging material.