Keeping Your Landscape Green Has Many Benefits

It’s so hot outside almost every day this time of year and keeping your yard from losing its lush green color can be tough sometimes. The Greenwood Group have given you some quick reasons as to why keeping your landscape green can give you many benefits as a homeowner! Economically, having a lush, green yard can increase property value for a homeowner by more than 11%. Also, properly placed trees around your home can reduce air conditioning bills and make your AC units run more effectively and efficiently. Health-wise, healthy trees and plants can drastically increase air quality in your community and will reduce sediment runoff that can potentially pollute the fresh water areas around your home. Lastly, a community that keeps its yards green and healthy promotes safety for the families and encourages parents and children to get out, exercise, and enjoy the great outdoors! For more information on how to keep the yard of your Peachtree Residential home green, you can visit the Greenwood Group website!