Posts Tagged ‘real estate market’

Americans Becoming More Confident

Americans are becoming more confident in the housing recovery!  While foreclosures and declining home prices have contributed to a six-year real estate slump, rising employment and low mortgage rates may be increasing buyer confidence.   According to a Prudential Real Estate survey, potential homebuyers and sellers are growing more confident that the U.S. real estate market will begin to recover as soon as next year. Sixty percent of people surveyed last month had positive views about the housing market and 70 percent expected property values to improve over the next two years, according to the survey released.  Around 63 percent of respondents said they considered real estate a good investment at this time compared to only 52 percent last year.  Consumer confidence has been increasing for 2 years, which shows the property market may “finally be climbing out of its deep hole,” per Stephen Van Anden, chief marketing officer for Prudential Real Estate. 

Peachtree Residential is offering new move-in ready homes in several communities and the opportunity to build your new dream home as a pre-sale.  Visit the Peachtree Residential website to view our new home communities, stop by to visit our top notch sales managers at the community and find out what incentives we are offering during the month of April! We look forward to seeing you soon and selling you a new high quality home that you will love for many years!